Finally Google Analytics rectifies its spell mistake. For detail please see this post,
Google Can Do Mistakes So Why People Don't
Google Can Do Mistakes So Why People Don't
On checking Google Analytics Blog, I found an interesting thing and learn that, "Mistakes can be made by any person evens by technology giants too”, have a look at this screen shot of Google analytics official blog, where Google officials told about there experience about a project, with post title "Google Analytics helps Experience Project organize the human experience”.(posted on Wednesday, February 18, 2009). On reading I explored, on very first paragraph Google official puts a URL of that particular project with wrong spell. You can have a look at "http://analytics.blogspot.com/2009/02/google-analytics-helps-experience.html" where Google writes “To prepare for the case study on Experience Project, we explored www.exeperienceproject.com and..." .
The actual URL is www.experienceproject.com and by spell mistake it becomes EXEperienceproject. So my point is that “MISTAKES CAN BE MADE BY ANY ONE”.
I appreciated Mr. Matt Cutts comments about this.